Leena Rafeeq becomes Youngest AI App Developer

Leena Rafeeq becomes Youngest AI App Developer

Daily Current Affairs   /   Leena Rafeeq becomes Youngest AI App Developer

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Category : Science and Tech Published on: April 01 2023

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  • An 11-year-old girl Leena Rafeeq introduced an AI application called ‘Ogler EyeScan',that can detect four different eye disease and conditions by screening and analyzing your eyes.
  • She has developed an AI-based application named ‘Ogler EyeScan’ to identify eye diseases and conditions, like Cataract, Arcus, Melanoma and Pterygium.
  • The app comes up with 70% accurate results. This girl was born in Kerala but currently stays in Dubai and is becoming famous for her recent launch. 
  • As she received positive wishes from viewers across the world, her app is under review on the Apple Play Store. This can only be accessed by iPhone users.
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