IUCN representatives will be observers in Tamil Nadu's Nilgiris Tahar survey

IUCN representatives will be observers in Tamil Nadu's Nilgiris Tahar survey

Daily Current Affairs   /   IUCN representatives will be observers in Tamil Nadu's Nilgiris Tahar survey

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Category : Miscellaneous Published on: May 01 2024

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  • The Tamil Nadu government has launched a three-day survey for conservation of Nilgiri Tahar.
  • The main objective of this survey is to better understand and conserve the Nilgiri Tahr.
  • The survey is being supported by the Wildlife Institute of India (WII), the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), and IUCN organizations.
  • The Nilgiri tahr is listed as an endangered species and faces the challenges of habitat loss and poaching.
  • In the conservation initiative, captive breeding programmes in Eravikulam and Mukurthy National Parks are being supported.
  • There is a need for collaboration between state governments, conservation organizations, and research institutions so that the Nilgiri Tahar can be effectively conserved.
  • The main threat to the population of the Nilgiris tahr is habitat loss due to deforestation and human activities.
  • Poaching and competition with livestock are also important challenges for the conservation of this species.
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