Iran Unveils Underground Air Force Base Codenamed 'Eagle 44'

Iran Unveils Underground Air Force Base Codenamed 'Eagle 44'

Daily Current Affairs   /   Iran Unveils Underground Air Force Base Codenamed 'Eagle 44'

Change Language English Hindi

Category : Defense Published on: February 11 2023

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  • Iran has unveiled its first underground air force base, which is capable of storing fighter jets armed with long-range cruise missiles.
  • The base - named Oghab 44 ("Eagle" in Persian) - can accommodate "all types of fighter jets and bombers, in addition to drones.
  • It is“one of the most important air bases of the air force,” equipped with fighter jets armed with long-range cruise missiles.
  • Oghab 44 (Eagle -44) is “one of numerous tactical underground air bases for the army’s air force built in different areas of the country in recent years”.
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