Indian Scientist Prof Jayant Murthy Honoured with Asteroid Name

Indian Scientist Prof Jayant Murthy Honoured with Asteroid Name

Daily Current Affairs   /   Indian Scientist Prof Jayant Murthy Honoured with Asteroid Name

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Category : Awards Published on: March 27 2024

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  • Renowned Indian astrophysicist Prof. Jayant Murthy honored by IAU with asteroid name (215884) Jayantmurthy for pioneering work in ultraviolet astronomy and space missions.
  • Asteroid previously known as "2005 EX296", now named after Prof. Murthy, orbits the Sun between Mars and Jupiter, completing one revolution every 3.3 years.
  • Recognition highlights Murthy's contributions to NASA's New Horizons mission, which studied Pluto in detail during its 2015 flyby and ventured into the Kuiper Belt.
  • Murthy's research focuses on measuring cosmic ultraviolet background radiation, best done from the outer Solar System to minimize interference from the Sun and interplanetary medium.
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