Indian Navy Officers to Circumnavigate the Globe in Navika Sagar Parikrama II Expedition

Indian Navy Officers to Circumnavigate the Globe in Navika Sagar Parikrama II Expedition

Daily Current Affairs   /   Indian Navy Officers to Circumnavigate the Globe in Navika Sagar Parikrama II Expedition

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Category : Defense Published on: September 25 2024

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  • Two Indian Navy officers, Lieutenant Commander Roopa A, and Lieutenant Commander Dilna K, will undertake the Navika Sagar Parikrama II expedition, setting sail on October 2nd from Goa to circumnavigate the globe without external assistance, relying solely on wind power.
  • The mission, described by Vice Admiral Krishna Swaminathan as a journey of empowerment and innovation, will cover 21,600 nautical miles and navigate through treacherous waters, including the passages around Cape Leeuwin, Cape Horn, and the Cape of Good Hope.
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