Indian Air Force tests BHISHM portable hospital for airdrop in Agra:

Indian Air Force tests BHISHM portable hospital for airdrop in Agra:

Daily Current Affairs   /   Indian Air Force tests BHISHM portable hospital for airdrop in Agra:

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Category : Science and Tech Published on: May 17 2024

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  • Indian Air Force has tested BHISHM Cube, a state-of the-art indigenous mobile hospital, for airdrop in Agra. 
  • This innovative technology is a great leap forward in providing rapid and comprehensive medical aid during emergencies anywhere.
  • As per the ministry of information and broadcasting, BHISHM portable cubes are a part of the broader initiative named "Project BHISHM" - Bharat health initiative for Sahyog, Hita and Maitri, which is tailored to treat up to 200 casualties, emphasising rapid response and comprehensive car.
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