India, US, Japan, South Korea & EU Launch Biopharmaceutical Alliance

India, US, Japan, South Korea & EU Launch Biopharmaceutical Alliance

Daily Current Affairs   /   India, US, Japan, South Korea & EU Launch Biopharmaceutical Alliance

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Category : Miscellaneous Published on: June 07 2024

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  • India, South Korea, Japan, the US, and the European Union launched a Biopharmaceutical Alliance to strengthen the supply chain in the biopharmaceutical sector, announced during the Bio International Convention 2024 in San Diego.
  • The alliance aims to create a reliable and sustainable supply chain, coordinating bio policies, regulations, and R&D support among the participating countries, addressing vulnerabilities exposed by the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Recognizing the concentration of essential raw material production in a few countries, the alliance will work together to develop a detailed pharmaceutical supply chain map to ensure better distribution and production capabilities.
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