India's Sairaj Pardeshi won one gold and two silver medals at the Asia Youth and Junior Weightlifting Championships

India's Sairaj Pardeshi won one gold and two silver medals at the Asia Youth and Junior Weightlifting Championships

Daily Current Affairs   /   India's Sairaj Pardeshi won one gold and two silver medals at the Asia Youth and Junior Weightlifting Championships

Change Language English Hindi

Category : Sports Published on: December 26 2024

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  • Sairaj Pardeshi won the first gold medal for India in the men's 81 kg category at the Asia Youth and Junior Weightlifting Championships by lifting a total of 310 kg and set three national youth records.
  • Sanjana won a total of five silver medals (three in youth and two in junior category) in the women's 76 kg category, lifting 90 kg in snatch and 120 kg in clean and jerk.
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