India's economic growth rate is estimated to be 7.3% in the financial year 2023 - 24.

India's economic growth rate is estimated to be 7.3% in the financial year 2023 - 24.

Daily Current Affairs   /   India's economic growth rate is estimated to be 7.3% in the financial year 2023 - 24.

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Category : Business and economics Published on: January 08 2024

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  • According to the data of January 2024, India's economic growth rate is estimated to be 7.3% in the financial year 2023-24.
  • Recently this data was released by the Central Statistics Office (CSO).
  • The first advanced estimate of annual G.D.P. growth has been released by CSO. 
  • According to the Central Statistics Office, the country's GDP in the year 2023-24 is estimated to be Rs 171.79 lakh crore
  • Whereas, in the last financial year 2022-23, the country's GDP was Rs 160.66 lakh crore.
  • The growth rate of GDP was 7.2 percent in the last financial year 2022-23. 
  • The manufacturing sector is estimated to have the highest growth rate of 10.7%.
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