India ranked 77th in the world's 'Most Criminal Countries' ranking

India ranked 77th in the world's 'Most Criminal Countries' ranking

Daily Current Affairs   /   India ranked 77th in the world's 'Most Criminal Countries' ranking

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Category : International Published on: April 15 2023

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  • World of Statistics released the ranking of the world's "most criminal countries" in which India is ranked 77th, while the US is at 55th and the UK at 65th.
  • As per the ranking, Venezuela has been ranked first as the most criminal country, followed by Papua New Guinea in second place and South Africa in third place.
  • Turkey, Germany and Japan are among the least criminal countries, ranked 92nd, 100th and 135th respectively.
  • According to this report, Afghanistan ranks fourth with a crime rate of more than 76 crimes per 100,000 people.
  • The overall crime rate is calculated by dividing the total number of reported crimes by the total population and multiplying by 100,000.
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