India ranked 18th In Global Drug Policy Index

India ranked 18th In Global Drug Policy Index

Daily Current Affairs   /   India ranked 18th In Global Drug Policy Index

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Category : National Published on: November 12 2021

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  • India has been ranked at 18th position out of 30 countries in Global Drug Policy Index.
  • India received an overall score of 46/100.
  • Norway, New Zealand, Portugal, the United Kingdom, and Australia are the five leading countries in terms of humane and health-focused drug policies, according to this index.
  • The Global Drug Policy Index is a data-driven examination of global drug policies and their implementation.
  • The index is made up of 75 indicators that cover five broad dimensions of drug policy: criminal justice, health, and harm reduction, access to internationally controlled medicines, extreme responses, and development.

Important Takeaways

About Global Drug Policy Index

  • It's a data-driven global analysis of drug policy and its implementation, timed to coincide with the Indian government's review of the Narcotics Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act of 1985.
  • It is a unique tool that documents, measures, and compares national-level drug policies.
  • It assigns each country a score and a ranking based on how well its drug policies and implementation adhere to UN values of human rights, health, and development.
  • In the sphere of drug policy, the Index serves as an important accountability and evaluation instrument.
  • It assesses the performance of 30 countries from around the world.
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