India expected to grow faster at 6.2% in FY25: OECD

India expected to grow faster at 6.2% in FY25: OECD

Daily Current Affairs   /   India expected to grow faster at 6.2% in FY25: OECD

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Category : Business and economics Published on: February 08 2024

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  • The OECD in its latest report has raised India's economic growth outlook to 6.2% of the projected growth relevance for the 2024-25 financial year, higher than the earlier estimated growth of 6.1%.
  • This positive change follows a strong performance in the 2022-23 financial year.
  • However, the growth rates forecasted for the coming financial years indicate a gradual moderation.
  • Real GDP growth is being decimated due to weakness in the international economic outlook and inauspicious weather conditions.
  • Despite this, the growth in services exports and the continued public configuration will support the economy.
  • In terms of managing inflation, the RBI is expected to reduce interest rates regularly from the second half of 2024.
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