India added 664 animal species to its faunal database in the year 2022. These comprise 467 new species and 197 new records [species found in India for the first time].
The country also added 339 new plant taxa – 186 taxa that are new to science and 153 taxa as new distributional records from the country in 2022.
These discoveries were published in two publications; It has been compiled in "Animal Discoveries - New Species and New Records 2023" by Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) and "Plant Discoveries 2022" by Botanical Survey of India (BSI).
Major discoveries include new species and records of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish.
Invertebrates constitute the majority of new faunal discoveries, with insects comprising 384 species.
Vertebrates account for 81 species, with fish being the most dominant group.
The fauna diversity of the country increased to 1,03,922 species.