IIT- Guwahati researchers develop AI model to predict knee osteoarthritis severity

IIT- Guwahati researchers develop AI model to predict knee osteoarthritis severity

Daily Current Affairs   /   IIT- Guwahati researchers develop AI model to predict knee osteoarthritis severity

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Category : Science and Tech Published on: July 14 2023

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  • Researchers from the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati have developed a Deep Learning (DL)-based framework, namely OsteoHRNet, that automatically assesses the Knee Osteoarthritis (OA) severity from X-rays images. 
  • This AI-based model can be used to detect the severity level of the disease and assist medical practitioners remotely for a more accurate diagnosis.
  • Knee Osteoarthritis is the most common musculoskeletal disorder in the world and has a prevalence of 28 percent in India.
  • MRI and CT scans provide a 3-D image of the knee joints for effective diagnosis of Knee OA but their availability is limited and expensive. For routine diagnosis, X-Ray imaging is very effective and more economically feasible.
  • The AI-based model uses an efficient Deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) i.e an algorithm from image recognition.
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