Government appointed Shri Ramesh Babu V. as member of Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

Government appointed Shri Ramesh Babu V. as member of Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

Daily Current Affairs   /   Government appointed Shri Ramesh Babu V. as member of Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

Change Language English Hindi

Category : Appointment/Resignation Published on: May 24 2024

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  • Shri Ramesh Babu V. took the oath of office and secrecy as a member of the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission on May 21, 2024. Union Minister for Power and New and Renewable Energy, Shri R. Of. Singh administered him the oath of office and secrecy.
  • Mr. Ramesh Babu V. holds M.Tech degree in Thermal Engineering and B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering. He served as Director (Operations), NTPC, until his retirement in May 2020, before which he held various positions in NTPC.
  • The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) was established by the Government of India under the provisions of the Electricity Regulatory Commission Act, 1998.
  • CERC is a Central Commission created by repeal of the ERC Act, 1998 to implement the purposes of the Electricity Act, 2003. The Commission consists of a Chairman and three other members. Additionally, the Chairman, Central Electricity Authority is an ex-officio member of the Commission.
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