Category : Appointment/ResignationPublished on: December 03 2021
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Indian-American Gita Gopinath, the IMF's chief economist, has been appointed to First Deputy Managing Director.
Gopinath, who was set to return to her academic position at Harvard University in January 2022, has served as the IMF's chief economist for three years.
Gita Gopinath is the first woman to hold the position of Chief Economist at the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Important takeaways
About IMF
IMF: International Monetary Fund
Founded: 1944
Managing director (MD) and Chairwoman: Kristalina Georgieva
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an organization of 190 countries, that promotes global monetary cooperation, financial stability, international trade facilitation, high employment, and sustainable economic growth, and poverty reduction worldwide.
Aim of IMF: The primary goal of the IMF is to maintain the stability of the international monetary system, which is the system of exchange rates and international payments that allows countries and their citizens to transact with one another.