Germany decides to legalize the use of cannabis for recreational purposes

Germany decides to legalize the use of cannabis for recreational purposes

Daily Current Affairs   /   Germany decides to legalize the use of cannabis for recreational purposes

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Category : International Published on: October 28 2022

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  • Germany's coalition government has agreed on a plan to legalise recreational cannabis use among adults.
  • Possession of up to 30g (1oz) for personal use would be allowed. Licensed shops and pharmacies would sell it.
  • The plan has yet to be approved in parliament - but also receive the green light by the European Commission.
  • Several countries have legalised limited use of medicinal cannabis. Canada and Uruguay have also legalised recreational cannabis.
  • In the US, 37 states and Washington DC have legalised medical cannabis, while 19 states have approved it for recreational use. That represents well over 40% of the US population.
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