Dubai's Al Maktoum International Airport: Will be the world's largest airport

Dubai's Al Maktoum International Airport: Will be the world's largest airport

Daily Current Affairs   /   Dubai's Al Maktoum International Airport: Will be the world's largest airport

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Category : Miscellaneous Published on: May 01 2024

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  • It has launched an unprecedented airport project aimed at creating the world's largest capacity airport upon its completion, according to a recent announcement made by its ruler Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum.
  • This base will not only be for air travel, but will serve as a whole new city.
  • The estimated cost of Al Maktoum International Airport is around $34.85 billion.
  • The airport will be estimated to have the capacity to accommodate 260 million passengers annually.
  • The project aims to create a global leader in Dubai's air transport sector.
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