The ‘Dhanu Yatra’ festival, the largest open-air theatre festival began on Tuesday after a gap of two years, in Bargarh at the Odisha.
The vibrant Dhanu Yatra is associated with the culture of Odisha. The Festival is being held from December 27 to Jan 6, 2023.
The 'Dhanu Yatra', which symbolises the victory of good over evil, came into being in Bargarh as part of the country's independence celebrations in 1947–48 and is held annually.
It is an open-air theatre festival stretching more than 5 square K.M and comprising a village and a town in between.
As per tradition, for the whole eleven days, the people of Bargarh obey the orders of Raja Kansa and not the district administration.
It starts from the 5th day of ‘Pousasukla’ to end on ‘Pousapurnima’.
The festival ends with the death of the demon king Kansa and the restoration of the throne toUgrasena.