Chief priest of Badrinath Dham, Pandit Ishwari Prasad Namboodiri awarded with Shankar Smriti Award in Kerala

Chief priest of Badrinath Dham, Pandit Ishwari Prasad Namboodiri awarded with Shankar Smriti Award in Kerala

Daily Current Affairs   /   Chief priest of Badrinath Dham, Pandit Ishwari Prasad Namboodiri awarded with Shankar Smriti Award in Kerala

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Category : Awards Published on: February 07 2024

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  • Pandit Ishwari Prasad Namboodiri, the chief priest (Rawal) of Uttarakhand's world-famous Badrinath Dham, was awarded the Shankar Smriti Award in Kerala.
  • This honour reflects the significant recognition of their dedication and spiritual services, which further enriches Indian religious practices.
  • The award is conferred every year during the 103rd Malliyur Bhagavata Hans Remembrance Festival in Kottayam district of Kerala, which celebrates excellence in spirituality, art, and service.
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