Businesswoman Halla Tomasdottir elected as Iceland’s next President

Businesswoman Halla Tomasdottir elected as Iceland’s next President

Daily Current Affairs   /   Businesswoman Halla Tomasdottir elected as Iceland’s next President

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Category : Appointment/Resignation Published on: June 06 2024

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  • Businesswoman and B Team CEO Halla Tomasdottir has been elected the seventh president of Iceland and will take over from Guyana Johansson on August 1.
  • Tomsdottir will be the second woman to hold the post after Vigdis Finnbogadóttir, who was the first woman in the world to be democratically elected president in 1980.
  • Halla Tomasdottir received 34.3 percent of the votes, while former Icelandic Prime Minister Katerina Jakobsdottir received 25.2 percent of the votes.
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