India's cricket board (BCCI) have decided to increase focus on player fitness ahead of the upcoming 2023 ODI World Cup, and reintroduced the Yo-Yo test as one of the criteria for the selection of the Indian national team.
Besides the Yo-Yo test, Dexa (bone scan test) has also been made part of the selection criteria.
The Yo-Yo test is an aerobic endurance fitness test which involves running between markers placed 20 metres apart at increasing speeds.
The test was introduced during Virat Kohli's tenure as India captain and the passing score initially was 16.1 before it was increased to 16.5.
A DEXA scan is an imaging test that measures bone density (strength). DEXA scan results can provide helpful details about your risk for osteoporosis (bone loss) and fractures (bone breaks). This test can also measure your body composition, such as body fat and muscle mass.