Author NamitaGokhale is among 20 writers to have been conferred with the SahityaAkademi Award for 2021. She won the award for her English novel “Things to leave behind”.
SahityaAkademi announced its prestigious SahityaAkademi Awards, YuvaPuraskar and BalSahityaPuraskar 2021 in various languages.
Published in 2016, in 'Things To Leave Behind' Gokhale explores the themes of British colonialism, caste and creed. The book follows the story of TilottamaDutt and Deok, her daughter.
Author MeghaMajumdar won the SahityaAkademiYuvaPuraskar 2021 for her debut book 'A Burning', published in 2020.
Sahitya Akademi announces awards for 24 languages every year, at present they have announced awards for 20 languages.