Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma has launched Jio True 5G services at Guwahati in Assam at an event in the city.
Alongside its True 5G services that were launched in Guwahati, Jio also started its True 5G-powered Wi-Fi services at Maa Kamakhya Temple complex in Guwahati.
After Guwahati, the service will be launched in Silchar and other major towns.
Recently, 5G services were launched in other states such as Rajasthan and Odisha. The next-gen telecom service is currently live in over 50 cities, including the likes of Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bengaluru, Nagpur, Varanasi, Guwahati, and more.
Gujarat is the first state in India where 5G services from Jio are available across the state.