Argentine scientists find speedy 90-million-year-old herbivore dinosaur

Argentine scientists find speedy 90-million-year-old herbivore dinosaur

Daily Current Affairs   /   Argentine scientists find speedy 90-million-year-old herbivore dinosaur

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Category : Miscellaneous Published on: May 04 2024

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  • Argentina announced the discovery of a new medium-sized herbivorous dinosaur named Chakisaurus nekul, which lived approximately 90 million years ago during the Late Cretaceous period. This dinosaur was found in the Pueblo Blanco Natural Reserve in the southern province of Río Negro, particularly known for its rich fossil deposits.
  • Chakisaurus nekul was a fast runner, measuring about 2.5 to 3 meters in length and standing at a height of around 70 centimeters (approximately 8 to 10 feet long and 27 inches high). The discovery adds to the diverse array of prehistoric species found in Patagonia, shedding light on the region's ancient ecosystems and biodiversity during the Late Cretaceous period.
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