India’s Jyothi Surekha Vennam shot a new personal best and equalled the world record in compound women’s qualification rounds (72 arrows) with a stunning 713 at the Archery World Cup Stage 1 in Antalya, Turkey.
Jyothi Surekha Vennam made 66 of her 72 shots on target, including 36 consecutive hits in the final six rounds of qualification, earning her a perfect 360 points.
After shooting a solid 353 in the first set of 36 arrows, Jyothi came up with a brilliant 360 out of 360 with her second set to finish with 713.
Jyothi Surekha Vennam, 26, finished first in the season-opening Archery World Cup after scoring 713 out of a possible 720 points.
The record achieved by Sara Lopez of Colombia in the 2015 Colombian National Selections was matched by the world No 11 ranked Indian archer
Lopez, widely considered to be the greatest of the compound format, finished with 710 herself and earned third seeding.
For the Archery World Cup 2023 Stage 1 held in Antalya, over 390 archers representing 52 countries have competed.