According to India Ratings, the country's growth rate will be 6.7% in the current financial year.

According to India Ratings, the country's growth rate will be 6.7% in the current financial year.

Daily Current Affairs   /   According to India Ratings, the country's growth rate will be 6.7% in the current financial year.

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Category : Business and economics Published on: January 06 2024

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  • Recently, rating agency India Ratings released the figures of economic growth rate in the country.
  • According to this agency, the country's growth rate will be 6.7% in the current financial year.
  • Earlier this growth rate was estimated at 6.2%.
  • The agency has said that the country's growth rate will increase due to a strong economy, continued growth, and the possibility of new private corporate capital expenditure.
  • Earlier in October, India Ratings raised India's GDP growth forecast in FY2024 to 6.2% from 5.9%.
  • India Rating Agency is a subsidiary of Fitch Rating Agency.
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