64 Great Indian Bustards found in National Desert Park, Jaisalmer

64 Great Indian Bustards found in National Desert Park, Jaisalmer

Daily Current Affairs   /   64 Great Indian Bustards found in National Desert Park, Jaisalmer

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Category : Miscellaneous Published on: May 27 2024

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  • 64 Great Indian Bustards were counted during the annual waterhole survey conducted at the National Desert Park in Jaisalmer, Rajasthan. In the last census 2022, 42 birds were counted with the same technique. 
  • No census was conducted in 2023 due to rains caused by western disturbances. This species is highly endangered and lives mainly in dry grasslands. 
  • Its name in Rajasthan is Godavan and it is the state bird of Rajasthan.
  • Wildlife conservationists count wildlife with the waterhole technique during the summer. In 2024, 42 points were established in the National Desert Park and 84 officers were deployed on watch towers.
  • The census was conducted on May 23 for 24 hours on the day of Vaishakh Purnima. The Great Indian Bustard was counted only in Ramdevra and Jaisalmer, while no census was conducted in the areas falling under the Army's firing range due to security reasons.
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