Recently, the Amrit Bharat Station Scheme has been launched for development of Railway stations on Indian Railways. This scheme envisages development of stations on a continuous basis with a long-term approach.
Notably, as many as 1,309 railway stations have been identified across the country so far under this scheme, including 35 stations in the NFR zone.
The Northeast Frontier Railways (NFR) zone is set to receive an infrastructure boost as part of the Central government’s ambitious ‘Amrit Bharat’ initiative.
These 35 major stations include – Guwahati, Dibrugarh, Kamakhya, Katihar, Kokrajhar Siliguri Town, Silchar, New Tinsukia, Dimapur, New Bongaigoan, and others.
The scheme envisages development of stations on a continuous basis with a long-term approach.
The Ahmedabad railway station will be transformed into an EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction) mode at an estimated cost of Rs 2563 crores.